Beauty as a lifestyle. The Good as a mission. Bevande Futuriste, a young soft drink company, revolutionizes the approach to non-alcoholic beverages, with a manifesto that makes organic and quality the indispensable prerequisites and hedonism its compass. And with the line Tonica Cortese opens a whole new dialogue with the world of mixology. We talk to Elena Ceschelli, Director of Marketing & Communication department.

"We are lovers of beauty and goodness. Our mission is to bring beauty into everything.”

Bevande Futuriste was founded in 2014 in Treviso, after two years of research and development on the study of consumption outside the home walls of today's, modern and futurist women. Three members: Alessandro Angelon, Elena Ceschelli and Alberto Zamuner, united by friendship and love for beauty in everything, with a strong experience in food and beverage. 

Four product lines: DiFrutta Bio, the beautiful, good fruit juice and also bio; Cortese, a line of premium sodate for the professional bartender; ama_tè, bio ice tea from real infusion of green tea leaves; Original bio 1959, sparkling drinks of the Italian tradition. 

The mission is written in the manifesto Futurist Praise to Beauty: The values of beauty for a better quality of life through an assortment of natural and organic drinks, good, healthy, beautiful, absolutely unsweetened.

The fruit, carefully selected and harvested at the origin, is the starting point, preferring also organic, Italian and controlled and certified products. Products that do not follow fashions, but offer beauty and it is from here that the name of Futurists was born, driven by a burning desire to change the static world through a group of people that divulges every day the verb Futurist. 

In these years Bevande Futuriste have supported the bartender’s work in proposing unique and distinctive cocktails using Made in Italy. For the Cortese line of premium sodate, 5 types of tonic waters have been created, from light without sugar to organic, or pepper and chili, all to be combined with different gins to create excellent combinations in gin and tonic. Courteous is elegance in simplicity. As in the kitchen, even in cocktails, high quality raw material is important. 

Now the interview to Elena Ceschelli, young and enthusiastic director of the Marketing & Communication department at Bevande Futuriste, which is revolutionizing the way of soft drinking and the beverage world with juices Difrutta bio, ama_tè and its five different tonic waters of the Cortese line (in addition to the tonic Scortese), made for the horeca world of cocktail bars, perfect for making five different Gin Tonics.


"Our futurism is movement, strength, passion, determination, culture." Not only Tonic, but also juices, gazzose, infusions. How did Futurist Drinks come about? Is it the answer to something?

Bevande Futuriste is a project created to improve the beverage offer outside the home walls, in Italy and beyond. It is the answer to the need for green, organic, sustainable and sugar-conscious products. We were born by disrupting the concept of BIO as something naturally obvious! For us, everything has to be organic and accessible to everyone. We wanted to make it charming, dressing it with bright colors and eye-catching graphics. Every year we launch new products in order to cover all the needs of the day.

Who were Bevande Futuriste's inspiring masters ?

The great inspiration comes from Gabriele D'Annunzio, the last Italian futurist. Ours is a futurism linked to beauty, elegance and boldness. Memento audere semper - remember to always dare - is also our Manifesto. We were born with the disruptive action in changing many clichés and bringing news. Today, especially with the Toniche Cortese, we are a point of reference for all barmen who focus on Italian quality and elegance, where service and hospitality are very important values, a true heritage of our being Italian.

"Italy, understood as the value of tradition and quality that has always characterized the lifestyle, food and culture of our country is a fundamental value." A solid response to (re)affirm an important and obviously shareable value. How does this translate into practice?

Every day our marketing and sales team (about 26 people) carries around the futurist verb, which represents this statement in its entirety. They do so already from their way of dressing and posing themselves, in telling the values and the history of our products, in proposing the all-round Italian spirit. We sell a real lifestyle, starting from our customers: unique and experiential hotels, bars, pastry shops, restaurants and cocktail bars. Often we propose to journalists or opinion makers the Cortese Experience, in major Italian cities: a bar tour from aperitif to after dinner by our customers, where you can fully grasp and live the Italian lifestyle of the outside-home, where art and culture are combined with food and beverage.

Who are the consumers-type of Bevande Futuriste?

Everyone. From children to grandparents. This is our beauty! It is the consumer who chooses us, because he is demanding, because he is linked to beauty, because he is attentive to health, because he frequents valuable locations, where he finds our products. Recently we launched a product loved by mothers and children: the Smoothies, only organic fruit smoothies without added sugar.

7 years after the birth of the company, we find ourselves in a difficult period. How did you cope with the crisis imposed by covid19 and consequent lockdown?

We responded to this difficult period as true futurists, finding positivity and responding with targeted actions. We started to study the market and invent new products that will be released in a month, invested in our social and PR department, implemented our e-commerce and focused on internal training. We are ready to face a wonderful summer by offering winning solutions and consulting to our customers.

The Women of Wine Association gathers all the professionals and entrepreneurs in the wine sector. An ambition and a model that can be extended to the whole beverage world? What is the value of a feminine touch in a male-dominated sector?

There is also a women’s association in beverage and it is called Women in Horeca. Now we are going beyond this division man/ woman in all sectors. I am for proactive collaboration, without stressing prevalences or minorities. Women have so many potential to emerge and enhance their work and it is important that they team up with other women. Surely in the project Futurist Drinks - which is a praise to women - working with women is a key principle, where the feminine touch is a differentiating and distinctive strategic element.


The charm of tonic water. What's its story?

Tonic water as we know it dates back to the 18th century, when watchmaker Johann Jacob Schweppe combined carbon dioxide with water and quinine, a drink that has historically been used to combat malaria. Thanks to him and his passion as a scientist, today we have fun with this wonderful and fascinating drink, excellent smooth and mixed. I would like to talk about quinine, the key element of all our tonic waters. The properties of quinine are already famous at the time of colonialism. During the settlements of the new colonies, especially Indian and African, military troops and brigades began to contract indigenous diseases, such as fevers generated by unknown virulent strains and diseases of various kinds, including the most devastating, malaria. The only remedy was cinchona bark extract, typical of South America, quinine. The product was very fine powder and very bitter to the point that the troops of the English Empire, not just mixing them with water, added gin. That is why, even for us, gin and tonic is a "medicine".

What is today the conception of a modern tonic, new, ultimately futurist, for the world of mixology?

We start from the ancient recipe with natural cinchona extract. Our modernity lies in having proposed a completely natural recipe, without dyes or preservatives, in an elegant packaging, which enhances the Italian style. Today we have 5 types of tonic waters, each with its own personality, to pair with various gin.

Say 'tonic' and think about Gin and Tonic. New gins with different botanicals are successfully establishing themselves on the market. Do you suggest any combination with Cortese Tonics?

Questa è una delle nostre passioni. Ci piace proporre una selezione di Gin Tonic italiani, quindi consiglio abbinamenti con fantastici gin italiani. Partiamo da Rivo Gin, prodotto sul Lago di Como, abbinato alla nostra Botanica Scortese, ai profumi di lemongrass e timo, passando per la Sardegna dove troviamo il Gentù di Silvio Carta, abbinato alla Strong Tonic, dal carattere pungente, dato dal pepe e peperoncino, arrivando in Toscana con il Sabatini Gin, da abbinare alla Pure Tonic neutrale, dove si percepiscono le note del ginepro toscano. Quindi a Venezia con un gin fatto di viole edibili, il The Sister’s Gin, da abbinare alla nostra Light Tonic. Sui nostri canali social ci sono questi e tantissimi altri consigli di abbinamenti, davvero gustosi.

In addition to Gin and Tonic, Tonic Cortese can also be used for other drinks: have you got some inspiration to offer us?

Of course! Our tonic is used in several signature drinks of professional barmen. I was impressed by an American cocktail finished with a top of Rude Tonic that gave character and scent to the drink, instead of the common soda.

Finally, the book "The Little Barman". What does it tell? For him, too, the essential is invisible to the eyes?

We like to collaborate with bartenders and this is a project born with Flavio Angiolillo to realize his dream in the drawer. It is a beautiful story about the bartender seen from various angles and perceptions, which illustrates the relationship with his various clients: from the doctor, the entrepreneur to the woman manager and many others...

"Some men are so immersed in their own imaginary that they are really unable to recognize the value of others,", Little Barman said to himself. A seemingly 'light' book that gives important ideas to improve interpersonal relationships, making rediscover this profession, never banal, made of passion, introspection and communication.

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