
Drinking well is futurist, thanks to five revolutionary tonic waters: Cortese, by Bevande Futuriste

Bevande Futuriste was born in 2014 in Treviso, after two years of research and development on the study of today's modern and futuristic woman outside consumption. Three partners: Alessandro Angelon, Elena Ceschelli and Alberto Zamuner, united by friendship and love for beauty in everything, with strong experience in food and beverage. There are four product lines: DiFrutta Bio, the beautiful, good and also organic fruit juice; Cortese, a line of premium sodas for the professional bartender; ama_tè, the bio ice teas made from a real infusion of green tea leaves; Original bio 1959, the sparkling drinks of the Italian tradition. The mission is written in the Futurist manifesto In Praise of Beauty: The values ​​of beauty for a better quality of life through an assortment of natural and organic drinks that are good, healthy, beautiful, absolutely low in sugar. The fruit, carefully selected and harvested at the origin, is the starting point, also preferring organic, Italian products and products of controlled and certified origin.

The complete interview can be listened to via this link


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